Onsite Consultation
Accessory dwelling units, also known as ADUs, are gaining in popularity over the past few years. The addition of an ADU on your property will add both value and versatility to your property. Whether you will use your ADU to increase property value, move in extended family, earn income, or create extra space, the opportunities are endless, and we have a unit to fit your need. With Roof and Realm, the first step in our process is to offer every client a free on-site appointment. During this critical appointment, our Project Manager will conduct the following-
- Site visit to discuss your goals in building an ADU and determine the viability of adding an ADU to your site.
- Identify site-specific characteristics of your parcel that will guide our recommendations for you.
- Suggest a unit that will fit your needs, property size, and review overall design intent.
- Discuss use cases for ADU.
- Determine placement of unit on your parcel and review access points.
- Key considerations regarding utilities, building codes, and identify any upgrades that may need to made to your property to bring it up to code.
- Review overall landscape and design layouts.
- Identify any potential obstacles and make recommendations to work with those considerations.
- Determine if a geotechnical engineer is needed, additional considerations specific to your site and city.
- Answer questions in-person, take measurements, and study existing conditions.
- Discuss potential risks and uncertainties for your project.
- Next steps and expected timelines for the project.
- Scheduled follow up call with our team to answer any questions you have.